0151 724 7197 office@kinlanltd.com


New Project: Lumina Village – Manchester

New Project: Lumina Village – Manchester

650,000 brick to lay, 2,500 meters of angle support, 11,000 m2 of cavity work, 8,000 meters of fire barriers – all in 50 weeks; made possible with collaboration from both the main contractor and other familiar sub contractors.

Our QA …

Our QA …

QA – With the introduction of the golden thread of information within the new building safety act (BSA) it is now more important than ever to document our work on site.

Macie’s Progress …

Macie’s Progress …

Macey is one of our apprentices that’s really starting to reap the rewards of her own hard work and dedication.

No.3 Circle Square …

No.3 Circle Square …

During last weeks site inspection it was fantastic to see our brick work technicians dedication to ingenuity and practicality, with collaboration from our client GMI this work station with task lighting and bespoke storage facilities have been created.